Get started promoting the coffee collection presets

Our preset collection is best suited for wedding photographers so keep that in mind when defining your target audience. On this page you'll find some helpful material. If you use images that were not edited with our presets to market them, you'll be immediately suspendet from our affiliate program as this would be false advertising which is illegal.

Download Marketing material

caramel tones preset Lightroom



Pinterest is the platform where most people buy. It's demographic is mainly women. Conversion rates on pinterest are insanely high!

And there is another benefit: Unlike Instagram or other platforms, the content doesn't get burried over time. We have pins we created a year ago still perfoming well and giving us sales. This is the platform to be on for long term growth.

Click here to access pinterest marketing resources.

Facebook/Instagram ads


If you plan on running ads, check out our Story resources or feed post resources

Making an account just spamming posts and using follow/unfollow IS NOT ALLOWED. This would represent our business in a bad way. If you do this, your partnership will be cancelled and you will be excluded from all further affiliate programms

E-Mail marketing / recommendations


If you plan on E-mail marketing or recommendations, make sure to include testemonials of our 10k followers. You'll find them on the product page!

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The Process


We developed a couple of resources to make your life easier!

Each month, new resources will be added. We focus on 1080×1920 material, meaning it’s use case would be primarily Instagram story ads or pinterest.

We provide some Before and after images for you as well that you can use to create your own marketing materials. You can find a drive folder with all relevant materials by clicking the button down below.

The before / after images will be named after the corresponding presets.
You are not allowed to make Instagram pages and then follow/unfollow. We tracked down accounts doing this in the past and immediately cancelled the partnership.